In Case You Missed It
Geopolitics news that the NATO propaganda machine would rather you didn't hear
In service of US/UK/Euro imperialism a major strategy used by mainstream media outlets is to weaponise ignorance, that is to lie by omission. To counter that here is a selection of recent news items that were conveniently given little or no coverage and that whch the establishment would rather you was not aware of.
We will also add older news items that were covered by mainstream outlets in the past but which have not 'aged well' as the propaganda messages have had to be changed over time. Try as hard as they might not even the mighty NATO propaganda machine can airbrush their evil role in history as nothing can ever be deleted from the internet.
Please mail us any news items you would like us to consider adding here.
Clare Daly speaks at the European parliament in a debate on ozone depleting substances.
30th March 2023
Clare highlights the contradiction between the European Union's declared concern for the environment whilst at the same time looking the other way when one of it's key "allies" sabotages a major component of the EU's own energy infrastructure causing a catastrophic release of methane gas ( a far worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide ). One of the worse environmental damages on the European continent since Chernobyl.